Photo 111 of 132 in Wall Photos

What a week it has been! How quickly things have changed as the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a pandemic. So many changes have flowed on from the announcement and so many businesses and lives are being impacted.

In this time where it is so easy to feel powerless, it is important to remain as calm and centred as possible. Our resilience and focussing on the changes that we can make, that is, what we can control right now�our thoughts and emotions�will help in taking us forward in the best way possible.

A huge thankyou to psychologist Barry Winbolt, for developing the 5-Resilience Challenge. We have had loads of positive feedback from people, who have been finding the information helpful.

To wrap up the challenge, Barry has developed a Resilience Infographic (see below) and suggests that you print it out and put on your fridge or shower as a reminder, until the steps with practise, become habits over time.

To develop even further resilience through mindfulness, see Barry Winbolt's online mindfulness course here:

#Resilience #Strongmindset #supportyourself

Deborah Tyson's Album: Wall Photos